What Your Prospective Tenants Are Looking For In Every Property

By mousa

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What Your Prospective Tenants Are Looking For In Every Property

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We know that everyone has a different set of priorities when it comes to looking at a new home to rent, buy, or lease. The list of their wants and needs may vary, and certain qualities may be ranked higher than others. Concepts such as location and size will all vary from tenant to tenant, but there are a few elements that almost every potential new homeowner or renter will be looking at in every home they visit.

  • Is it safe? - No one goes out of their way to live in an undesirable neighborhood, especially for a long period of time. Tenants want to feel safe in and around their home as much as possible. Safety may be congruent with the location of a property, and some neighborhoods will be more desirable than others. What can you do to help make your property safe? Make sure all of your door are equip with locks and, if possible, install a security system.

  • Is it clean? - All of your potential listings should be clean and move-in ready for any tenant, especially when they are viewing it for the first time. A dirty space will immediately deter any tenant from considering your property as their new home. Keep your homes clean by removing the trash, keeping up the surrounding area outside, and addressing any rodent or bug problems.

  • Where is it located? - Location, location, location! Sometimes it's all about where your property is located, when it comes to turning over a home quickly. Tenants are typically already savvy with where they want to live, and having homes in desirable locations is key to keeping people inside your homes. Some people may be looking for easy access to public transportation. Others may want to live in a more quiet location. While location is one of the biggest variables between tenants, make sure you understand how to market your property based on the ideal features that surround it.

  • What amenities does it have? - Anything that can make the life of your tenant easier will always be desired. Don't let the word 'amenities' scare you into thinking more money out of your pocket. Even simple features such as ceiling fans, dishwashers, or a washer and dryer, can mean more to your potential tenant than you realize. Find out what other amenities are available in surrounding properties, and make sure your home has something extra to tip the scales.

The questions listed above are some of the basic concepts that all tenants ask themselves and consider when looking into any property. Use these questions to help give you an edge over your real estate competitor and get your next tenant in faster next time!

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