Flipping Houses: What You Should Do & What You Should Contract Out

By mousa

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Flipping Houses: What You Should Do & What You Should Contract Out

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When it comes to renovating a Detroit project home, there are a few things that you should be willing to get your hands dirty with, in order to save some money, and other areas your should avoid. Own It Detroit has provided you with a lists of Do’s and Don’ts for your next flipping project!

  • Do – Painting: Every flipper, old or new, should understand painting and how to do it well. Only few supplies are needed to complete a paint job, and time is really the only factor at play. Youtube also offers suggestions and tips from professional painters, in order to maximize your painting results.
  • Don’t – Sewers: When you first purchase a house, you may not know what is going on underground. We suggest hiring professional to make sure all of your lines, pipes, and water are intact. A solution to a sewer problem may be as simple as snaking it out, but even this process needs to be handled very carefully.
  • Do – Simple Electric Jobs: We understand that you’re not a professional electrician, but changing a few light fixtures shouldn’t be out of your realm. Save some money on an electrician by doing a few of the small jobs (ceiling fans, light switches, etc.) yourself.
  • Don’t – Drywall: Handling drywall can be extremely difficult and dirty. Drywall is not only incredibly heavy, but placing it correctly requires a lot of skill. Leave this job to the professionals and your flat spaces will thank you for it later.
  • Do – Simple Plumbing Jobs: Plumbers are good at what they do, and we advise any gut job to be handled by a plumber and not your average “how to” site. However, a quick trip to Home Depot will show you that plumbing technology has come a long way, and parts and pipes are easier to install today.
  • Don’t – Roofing: We don’t advise that just anyone should get on a roof, especially in tall Detroit Tudor homes. Removing old roofing materials can be dangerous and taxing. With all of the professional roofers in Detroit, this is a job that you shouldn’t handle on your own.
  • Do – Tiling: Tiling is one the easiest home DIY renovation projects that most people do in their homes all the time. The process is as easy as removing any debris, putting down mortar, and placing the tile on top. Not sure if you’re ready to tackle tiling like a professional? Stop by Home Depot to for one of their free DIY projects on tiling, which usually comes around monthly.
  • Don’t – Gutters: While the idea of putting gutters together doesn’t sound difficult (after all, it is only one piece of equipment), the challenge of sliding sections together and positioning them correctly is a feat. On top of needing an entire crew to handle gutter installation, the metal from gutters can become extremely heavy. Leave this job to the gutter experts!

Now that you know what to do, and what not to do, you can tackle your next home renovation or flipping project with more ease, time, and money!

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