Top Tips for Taking Better Listing Photos of Your Detroit Investment Properties

By Own It Detroit

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Top Tips for Taking Better Listing Photos of Your Detroit Investment Properties

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Your Detroit investment properties could be the best-looking rentals on the block—but if the listing photos don't show it, renters will keep scrolling by. 

It's easy to overlook critical elements of quality listing photos. With today's photos and filters, amateur photographers can produce appealing photos for various occasions with little to no training. However, what might work for a social media post or in a variety of situations isn't always the best shot for a rental listing that attracts quality renters

Whether you have a few properties or you have a significant real estate investment portfolio in Detroit, taking the time to apply a few expert tips can help your property photos (and listings) stand out! Use these expert insights before taking pictures for your next rental property listing.

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Set the Stage

Few things are a bigger turn-off for potential renters than photos of a cluttered or dirty rental home in Detroit. Even if your property is still occupied, work with your current renters to set the stage for better listing photos.

The best photos help potential renters imagine the space as their own. Before taking photos:

  • Clear clutter away

  • Clean!

  • Remove excess furniture from the field of vision

  • Move the current renter's personal items (like family photos) out of the frame

There's no need to overhaul the space while your current renter still has a few weeks left on their lease. However, you can encourage them to help you take amazing photos by tidying up the property for picture day. 

Look For the Best Lighting

The right lighting makes a huge difference! Natural lighting helps capture the authentic look and feel of your Detroit rental property. Choose a day with plenty of sunlight and photograph rooms while the sun shines in through open windows.

In rooms with poor natural lighting, bring in artificial lighting that helps your photos represent colors accurately. Don't rely only on overhead lighting or lamps to adequately light a room. 

Capture the Best Angles

Where you stand to take a photo can either enhance the room's appeal or take away from it. When choosing the best spot for interior photos of your Detroit investment properties, try to maximize the space by using the right angles.

Shooting straight toward a wall can make a room feel small and cramped. However, standing in the doorway or corner can help a room feel "roomier" and capture it at a better angle.

Be sure to avoid catching your reflection in a mirror! Using a tripod is one of the best ways to stage a photo in a corner or at the best angle without catching any humans in the picture. 

Don't Over-Edit

Amazing listing photos will grab plenty of attention. However, if they don't accurately represent your property, your listing is misleading and will lead to frustrated people who are disappointed in what they see in person. 

Excellent rental listing photos shouldn't involve any tricks or extensive editing. The property displayed online should be the same property potential renters see when they visit for a showing. 

Honesty is the best policy when photographing your Detroit rental property. Adjust the white balance or color temperature if needed—but avoid over-editing a photo to make a room appear better than it really is. If a room needs enhancements, take care of that with renovations or a fresh coat of paint before taking photos. Avoid bad photo crops or masking features that might take away from a room's appeal. 

Don't Rely On Your Smartphone

Some of the latest smartphones have high-quality cameras that can deliver good photos. However, if your smartphone isn't up to the challenge of excellent images, it's time to invest in a camera. 

Many digital cameras are affordable and can be a valuable resource to have on hand for future rental listings. It's worth the investment to improve the quality of your photos if your smartphone doesn't have what it takes to do the job right.

Man taking picture

Hire a Professional

The best way to take high-quality rental property photos is to hire a professional photographer. Experiencing tremendous cash flow from your Detroit investment properties can't happen when your properties sit empty. Poor-quality photos can keep your listings from catching the attention of the renters you need to generate steady cash flow. 

A professional real estate photographer understands how to apply the right lighting and best angles to help your rentals shine! 

A Property Manager Handles Photos and Rental Listings For Best Results

If taking photos isn't what you do best and you don't have the time to coordinate a photographer, a property manager is the best resource to handle pictures and listings for your Detroit investment properties!

Own It Detroit has the resources you need to deliver high-quality photos and create listings that attract quality renters while minimizing vacancy times. We use professional photographers to make sure your listings stand out from the competition. Contact us to learn more from one of our seasoned real estate investment professionals!

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